June 4, 2020

Firm News Race Discrimination

Honoring George Floyd, ThE Moment in History and the Need for Change

George Floyd mattered; his life had value and today our community holds its memorial service to honor him. Over the past week, we, like many in greater Minneapolis-St. Paul and throughout the world, have felt deep sadness, anger and grief at the loss of yet another black life to a system of racism and inequality. Our hearts go out to George Floyd’s family and friends who both mourn and celebrate his life today. And we stand with our community that’s crying out for and demanding change.

There is much work to do to affect real, lasting change to address systemic discrimination and racism. Now more than ever, activism and action are needed and we are motivated by the hope and support provided by countless local organizations and individuals seeking not only to rebuild our community in the aftermath of this tragedy but to ensure equality and justice moving forward. We have and will continue to help support the community we love and live in and continue to fight for the right to be free from discrimination.